
La terre promise

J'ai presque terminé The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz et j'ai été forcé de me demander: Mais sapristi, n'y a-t-il donc pas du froid là-dedans? Et je me suis souvenu cette scène où Duddy, surpris par la tempête et la nuit près d'un lac de Sainte-Agathe, ne sait plus où trouver sa voiture et manque de mourir geler:

He tried the ice on the lake with his foot. It cracked. He urinated into a snow bank, writing his name. It's my land, he thought. But the wind began to cut quicker across the fields, suddenly the sun went out like a light, it was dark, and Duddy began to shiver. Jeez, he thought, why didn't I leave the car lights on?
- Mordecai Richler, The apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

Puis, juste un peu plus loin, Duddy perdu dans la neige. Le froid prend alors des allures inattendues:
His feet burned from the cold, his eyes felt as if they were stuffed with sand, and he began to think what in the hell am I doing lost in a blizzard, a Jewish boy?
- Mordecai Richler, The apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Blizzard ou tempête de sable sur la terre promise?

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