
Arrêter les ouragans

Bon sang, il y a bel et bien eu des recherches pour contrôler les ouragans! Les méthodes peuvent se résument en deux approches: l'approche chaude et l'approche froide.

Evidemment, ici, on s'intéresse au froid. L'article de CNN mentionne deux méthodes froides pour contrôler les cyclones:

1. Researchers dropped silver iodide, a substance that serves as an effective ice nuclei, into clouds just outside of the hurricane's eyewall. The idea was that a new ring of clouds would form around the artificial ice nuclei. The new clouds were supposed to change rain patterns and form a new eyewall that would collapse the old one. The reformed hurricane would spin more slowly and be less dangerous.

La deuxième est vraiment ma préférée:
2. Other storm modification methods that have been suggested include cooling the tropical ocean with icebergs.

Quant à la méthode chaude, elle parle d'elle-même:
Occasionally, somebody suggests detonating a nuclear weapon to shatter a storm.

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